Welcome to MoneyMakerSchool.com. My name is Frank.
You might be wondering who I am but I’d like to start with who I’m not…
I am not a guru of any sort. So, if you are in search of a guru, you will undoubtedly be disappointed. I’m sorry…
I’m actually just an average person, like most of the people reading this blog I’m assuming.
But like each of you, I have some unique experiences that I think can be helpful to other people interested in advancing their current career, starting a side hustle, or earning passive income online.
Career Experience
I’ve been in sales, training, and management for about 20 years. Most of which has been spent at various start-ups within the biotech industry.
Throughout my career, I’ve been fortunate enough to work with a lot of great people. I’ve been fortunate enough to have mentors as well as being one myself.
I’ve been promoted many times and helped a lot of other people get promoted themselves. I’ve interviewed hundreds of people and built various teams.
All of this to say, at times on this blog I will share career coaching advice that will hopefully help you or someone you know.
Digital Marketing
I started my journey into digital marketing in 2006 by launching AmerianSoccerNetwork.com, the first social network platform dedicated to U.S. soccer.
It was an epic fail by the way…
I didn’t know what I didn’t know, and in that website flop, I learned a ton. Maybe I will even resurrect one day.
But since then, I’ve built out many different sites, including this one. I currently have about 15 active sites of various sizes.
They vary from Software As A Service (SAAS) products, ad generation sites, and affiliate marketing sites.
My goal is to share practical advice on creating passive income online from the experience I have, from the successes and way more plentiful failures.
I think there is a ton to learn from both, and sharing is caring…
I’m interested in all things career, passive income, side hustles, and money management, so at times this blog may feel like it’s all over the place.
Pick what works for you, and ignore the rest.
My hope is you find information that will help you accelerate your success, and make strides towards your money/wealth-related goals.
The most important thing is enjoying the journey for what it is, let’s take those next steps together.